Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
21st - 23rd November
Karangarua – Unity Through Diversity in Relationship
E ngā matawaka, e ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā rangatira ma, e akiakihia ana e ngā hau e wha kua horahia ki te ao, ka nui te mihi ki a koutou me ō koutou whānau hoki, tenā koutou tenā koutou, tenā koutou katoa, me te titiro whakamua ki te manaaki i a koutou ki Aotearoa. To the many talented and esteemed who are propelled together by the four winds spread throughout the world, we greet you and your families, and look forward to welcoming you to Aotearoa.

We have great pleasure in calling you (karanga) to this conference, the title of which in te reo Māori (the Māori language) acknowledges the significance of the karanga or exchange of calls that forms part of the pōwhiri, a Māori welcoming ceremony, and also refers to people related through two different lines, and those standing in a double relationship.
In what many of us experience as an increasingly conflictual world, it appears more important than ever to invite a focus on whanaungatanga (relationships) and our transactional analysis of them.
The themes of the conference invite us to experience, think about and discuss how we do this – meeting, greeting, and seating – in a way that is respectful of both hosts and guests, while also acknowledging difference and diversity.
We also want to provide a space in which we can think about and discuss what happens when we don’t do this so well, when relationships are ruptured in various ways, and how we can understand and intervene in disagreement, conflict, violence, and war. Thus, we are also calling for papers and workshop presentations on these themes.
The conference will be preceded by an introductory TA101 course which will have a strong bicultural perspective (19th–20th November), TA exams (also on 19th & 20th November), and followed by a Training Endorsement Workshop (25th–26th November).
Conference Venue
Te Raukura, Taranaki Wharf, Wellington
There are three parts to Te Raukura — the Wharewaka (waka house), Whare Tāpere (conference/events and entertainment house), and Wharekai (eating house). The elements of the building include whakairo or carvings and modern renditions of traditional design which transform the building symbolically into a ceremonial waka (canoe) linked to the ancestor Kupe and the voyaging traditions of the Pacific peoples.
This building was given its name of Te Raukura at an opening dawn Ceremony on Waitangi Day, Sunday 6 February 2011. Previously the building was known as Te Wharewaka. Te Raukura is of special significance to descendants from Taranaki iwi of Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Tama and Ngati Mutunga. Previously the area where the building is located was harbour frontage to Te Aro Pā, one of the largest Māori communities in Wellington up until the 1880’s. The building sees the re-establishment of a Māori presence on Taranaki Wharf, notably absent on the waterfront since that time.

Theme & Keynote Speakers
Shirley Rivers

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou. Ko Ngāi Takoto, ratou ko Ngāpuhi, ko Te Kawerau-a-Maki, ko Te Waiohua, ko Waikato-Tainui ngā iwi.
Shirley's work experience includes Community Development, Iwi Social Services, Counselling and Tertiary Education.
Her interests include unpacking the impact of colonisation and re-connecting with traditional Māori concepts of wellbeing as key to transforming Māori wellbeing in the twenty-first century.
Karangarua – Standing in a Double Relationship
Traditional Māori society engaged seamlessly in the physical and the metaphysical realm of being. Both were natural environments to their wellbeing. Navigating these realms required knowledge of traditional Māori cultural constructs that guided engagements for Māori with each other and the wider environment. Understanding these constructs is fundamental for all practitioners working with Māori whānau. The impact of colonisation for Māori has seen the fracturing from traditional engagement in these two realms culminating in serious consequences for their health and wellbeing. Karangarua – how do I stand as a practitioner and navigate these two realms in my work with Māori whanau?
Unfortunately, due to ill-health, Shirley has had to withdraw from this engagement. We wish her a speedy and complete recovery and send our love – arohanui ki a koe, e hoa. Nevertheless, in appreciation of her gift of the conference title, we retain some of her original words as setting the kaupapa of the conference.
Meet our Keynote Speakers

Anna Fleming
Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Anna Hinehou Fleming tōku ingoa, he uri ahau no Ngāpuhi, no Ngāti Hine, no Tūhoe hoki.
Anna Hinehou Fleming (she/her/ia) is wahine Māori registered psychotherapist, living and working in Tāmaki Makaurau. Beginning her career as a social worker, then training in psychotherapy at AUT, Anna has worked with individuals and whānau for nearly 20 years. Anna is a Lecturer in the Department of Psychotherapy and Counselling at AUT, Tumuaki of Waka Oranga – National Collective of Māori Psychotherapy Practitioners and Council Member of APANZ – Association of Psychotherapists Aotearoa New Zealand. Anna lives with her whānau alongside te awa o Wai o Taiki in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.

Jo Stuthridge
MSc, NZAP, Jo is a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst and a registered psychotherapist in Aotearoa, New Zealand. She maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Dunedin and is director of the Physis Institute. She has published several articles and book chapters on transactional analysis, with a special interest in trauma and is a past a co-editor for the Transactional Analysis Journal.
Currently she juggles professional interests with an enduring love for the mountains and bush, attempts to grow fruit trees and the wonders of grandchildren.

Keith Tudor
PhD, MSc(Psychotherapy), CTA(P), TSTA(P), Keith is Professor of Psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology where he also co-leads Moana Nui – Research in the Psychological Therapies.
Keith has been involved in TA for over 35 years, in which he is also a well-published author.
He has a strong interest in the racial psychiatry tradition within TA and a strong commitment to bicultural and cross-cultural engagement.
Conference Programme
Wednesday 20th November
From 5:30pm
Gathering for exam candidates, family and friends, examiners, and those attending the conference
From 6:15pm
Presentation of certificates to successful exam candidates
Thursday 21st November
Briefing of manuhiri (visitors) Conference delegates gather in front of Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke, by the statue of Kupe
Pōwhiri & Welcome
Morning break with refreshments
Keynote speech - Shirley Rivers
Workshops (Four streams)
Afternoon break with refreshments
Papers (Four streams)
Large group (Facilitated)
Launch of the book: Transactional Analysis Proper - and Improper: Selected and New Papers by Keith Tudor (Routledge, 2025). Copies will be available for purchase.
Friday 22nd November
* Morning interest groups
* First-time attendees' (Facilitator: Rhae Hooper)
* Other groups to be confirmed
Keynote speech - Jo Stuthridge
Morning break with refreshments
Workshops (Four streams)
Workshops (Four streams)
Afternoon break with refreshments
Large group (Facilitated)
* Interest group(s) (self-organised)
* Free time (self-organised)
* Transactional Analysis Association of Aotearoa New Zealand TAAANZ Annual General Meeting
* Australian Association of Transactional Analysis ATAA members gathering
7:30pm onwards
Gala dinner and entertainment
(TA talent night hosted by Fergus Aitken)
Venue: Matiu Room, Wharewaka Function Centre
Address: Taranaki Wharf, 2 Taranaki Street, Waterfront, Wellington 6011, Aotearoa New Zealand
Saturday 23rd November
* Morning interest groups (to be confirmed)
* First-time attendees' (Facilitator: Rhae Hooper)
* Other groups to be confirmed
Keynote speech - Keith
Morning break with refreshments
Workshops (Four streams)
Workshops (Four streams)
Afternoon break with refreshments
Large group (Facilitated)
Poroporoake - Closing
Pre-Conference Examinations & Workshops
19th & 20th - CTA oral examinations
19th & 20th - TSTA oral examinations
Please send applications for oral exams and TEW to the IBOC administrator: iboc@itaaworld.org
Accommodation & Activities
For accommodation options and out-of-conference activities on offer please go here.

Conference Sponsorship Opportunity
This conference offers national AND international exposure.
Being a sponsor of the conference has many benefits, including that it can elevate your organisation's profile, sharing knowledge about what services your offer and create networking opportunities.
This conference reaches across a wide audience of organisations and individuals who all are involved in mental health and wellbeing, and professional development services and training.
What you get for sponsorship of $500:
Your logo on this conference website page.
Your logo on the conference programme booklet.
Inclusion of items in the delegate pack i.e. flyer, pen etc.
A Sponsorship payment is a donation to the conference and is tax deductible because TAAANZ is a registered charity.
Interested in being a Sponsor? Contact Us